February 26, 2021
Dear Members of the Body of Christ in Saint Paul ad Western Oregon, This weekend, February 27-28, is Commitment Weekend for the 2021 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. Special self-stamped return Catholic Appeal envelopes will be available in the church or, you can make use of the Appeal pledge envelope copies attached to this week’s ACA parishioner email letter. The theme of this year’s Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal is to “Return to Christ,” a reference to the Covid Virus’ impact on early Mass closures and restricted numbers attendance at indoor and outdoor large group gatherings in Oregon and elsewhere which affected family life, church and school. We are thankful that both viral infections and hospitalizations are beginning to decline thanks to distancing, smaller group gatherings, wearing face masks, disinfecting work places and homes and an increasing number of vaccinations to prevent catching the virus or diminish the impact of its effects. Due to the impact of the virus and the recent ice storm with the loss of power to homes and businesses and its impact on many of Saint Paul’s tree orchards and the damage to trees causing them to become a hazard to human traffic, we are facing a different lifestyle with many restrictions and limitations. In spite of all of the above and the interruption of our social gatherings and inter-communication, the needs of many people still remain and we as Christians are called to be Christ-like in our compassion, hearts and actions as if it is Christ himself, which it is. By financially contributing to this year’s Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal, you are helping to support the education of our youth in Catholic schools and parish religious education and faith formation programs as evidenced by our new, accessible “Formed” videos, the establishment of an archdiocesan-wide evangelization movement among our people, deaf ministry, prison ministry and youth and college pastoral outreach and formation ministries and support for our Catholic schools. Let us “Return to Christ,” not only to Mass in person when the pandemic subsides, but also to our Christian lives as servants of Christ continuing his work here on earth by living in him in both heart, mind and action so that others may see and receive from us Christ himself who accompanies us in our journey here on earth and gives us the Spirit to lead others and ourselves to lovingly proclaim the Gospel of Christ. Gratefully yours, In Christ Msgr. Gregory Moys, Pastor Comments are closed.
January 2024
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